
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There's an App for that...there really is!

Apps. What can I say? The best thing that ever happened to me. Ever. (Not ever Josh, you know...I'm only being dramatic :)) Anyway, for my Christmas present Josh hooked me UP! As I mentioned earlier I got a new iPod Touch...awesome...pure awesomeness. Since my iPod Touch and I have been introduced a lot of things have changed in my daily life. For example, I am now on twitter as you can see here and with my iPod Touch I can holla at my tweeps any moment of the day! But for all of you great readers out there..question...any apps you can't live without? Are you an E! apper or maybe more on the CNN side, either way I want to know! I will admit, I only download the free apps (what can I say, I'm cheap.) but, those apps have not been disappointing so's the break down.

I said I would never join, but what the heck? Those tweeting, social networking-crazed people sucked me into their world and...look at me now? Tweeting it up and I'll be honest, I love it! John Mayer's tweets are pretty funny and Chelsey Handler always has a funny back-handed comment to say about the newest celeb that's lost it. Guilty pleasure #124- Twitter.

Now thanks to this little dude I can tweet anywhere and anytime...well anywhere there is wifi! But, how cool is that?!

Which leads me to my next app, but first I have to make an announcement. I am a stalker...I stalk on facebook, yes...I am that person that everyone makes fun of and gets frustrated with. If you pop on my mini-feed occasionally, I've probably stalked you. I want to take this time to apologize and let you know that I have no intention of hurting you or your family, I'm just a noisy person and I'm even annoyed with myself. Please forgive me? But, to make matters even worse (or...let's be my opinion, to make matters awesome)


Is an app on my iTouch...O's real bad.

I am a major fan of Pandora, in fact if there was a flag to wave, I would wave the banner of Pandora all the time. I have stations for just about every mood I could possibly be in. For example: happy: glee Cast Radio, sad: there's really not one, needing motivation: The Shins Radio, something funny: Regina Spektor Radio, I want to be a Broadway Star: glee Cast Radio (it's on a lot!), I want to go to Lilth fair and wear flowers in my hair: Missy Higgins get the idea.

Yes, if you love music as much as I do you know about Pandora...if not...set up a station as soon as you can! You'll fall in love! But, not only is Pandora available for free on the world wide web but it is also available as a...wait for! O yea! And again, for FREE! Groovy.

My final apps consist of:


Which combine great things! Weather and food! WeatherBug gives you an up to date check on the weather around you. It uses wifi to check your location then provides the forecast, whats coming, tips on weather during your golf game...well basically it's the Weather Channel for you phone or iTouch, pretty cool. Urban Spoon is so neat; let's say your in the mood for Italian but not wanting to spend more than 20 dollars, Urbanspoon checks your location using wifi after you select the price range, shake your phone/iTouch and, with reviews! Awesome!

What about you guys? Any apps out there you can't live without? App's are those things that once you know, you'll never go back! And I ain't ever going back!

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