
Monday, March 22, 2010

It's Offical!

We are married! Our certificate arrived about a week ago and we were nothing less than thrilled! I am officially in the process of changing my name...well officially starting tomorrow I'm officially in the process. We had a blast opening up our license and taking a good look at it, we even took pictures! I told J that our marriage license is totally blog worthy!When our certificate arrived we did a good look over to make sure everything was in order. Joshua Lee Blackman, check. Kelsey Rhea Scroggins, check. Graham Todd Hale, check. Magnolia, check. Arkansas, check. Columbia County, check. January 9, 20---wait...what? The lady filling out our certificate must have still been living in 2009 because it had clearly been marked out with a terrible white out job. Josh and I died laughing! Now, our little wedding license is a little weird just like us.

Since it is official and I am now a Blackman somethings might be changing around the blogosphere so stay tuned! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Side note: Pray for little Edy Rose she got her 2 month shots today! I know she was so tough!


  1. Glad you are legal!!Love you guys, can't wait to see you!!

  2. Hi, just passing by. :) I had to laugh at your marriage certificate. Mine has my sister marrying my husband. Thankfully the license was done properly, and is what was filed in the county. So all is good.
