
Monday, July 20, 2009

Wedding Weekend!

Ok I mentioned before, I FOUND MY DRESS! Hooray!! It is perfect and wonderful, I absolutely adore it. Sadly, I couldn't take "my precious" (picture me saying that in the creepy thing from Lord of the Ring's know..."my precious") home with me because it needed to be altered and fit to me...just like a glove, so my dress will not be at home with me until November. I guess, I will sweep in some bridal portraits in between all of that time. So this weekend I found my dress and got to spend some quality time with my family. I love hanging with my mom, she is always such a blast. Also, the always darling and sweet Mrs. Kim...I am blessed with the sweetest new family. I am so thankful! My sister, who was soo sick all day because she is PREGO! But, her presence made my day even that more perfect. And finally, my best friend Brooke! She basically flew to get there and I couldn't be anymore appreciative.

Mrs. Kim gave me a really interesting present...actually it's totally awesome! Can you guess what it is?

Don't feel bad if you can't figure it out...I had to ask. This is a one of the most creative and interesting presents I have ever received. My engagement ring taking number one and my tea ball taking number 2. This is a kaleidoscope. Yes! Pretty cool! huh?

Take a look at that! I think it is pretty cool! It is really nifty when it's spinning but, I couldn't spin and take a picture. It's is beautiful and now it is one of my favorite things to do; sitting in my chair and spinning my kaleidoscope.

Even though my weekend was one of the best, I did make a huge boo boo. When my mom, sister, and I go back to LR I realized that I didn't have my keys. After panicking for about 3 minutes Mrs. Kim found them and brought them to me. This totally changed the course for her trip, but she was so sweet and nice about helping me. Mrs. Kim again, I am sooo sooo sorry and thank you for bringing my keys to me, your great!

Oh! Today, I got my new shirts from Firefly! Whoo Hoo! Official shirts, I think I might Tie Dye the white one...not sure, but maybe!

Top Ten Events of the Weekend:
10. Actually feeling like I am marrying J :) Good Feeling.
9. P.F. Chang's Lettuce Wraps :)
8. Cleaning and organizing my room...just downsizing excess
7. Brooke and Kelsey time
6. Getting to see my sister and her cute baby bump
5. My kaleidoscope
4. Mrs. Kim in general
3. My mom in general
2. Lowe's Bridal
1. My wedding dress.
What did you guys do this weekend? I hope you all had a great weekend full of excitment! Have a good evening!

1 comment:

  1. I have been packing all weekend and doing laundry at your house--haha! I'll see you tonight for another laundry date! Yea for Kelsey and Brooke time! Have a great day and don't get wet!
