
Monday, August 17, 2009

3 lists

I haven't made my "List" for this month and I forgot to make make one for last month so this is a catch up! So sorry for the lack of blogging things become so crazy planning a wedding and trying to graduate college, I can't wait until it's over, school that is. I have some different list this time..."Things to accomplish in the next month" my "Wish List" and "Top 10"

Things to accomplish in the next month:
14. Stay on top of my Media Research
13.Garage sale for a sewing machine
12.Find a couch or a sectional on craigslist
11.Have a movie DAY with Josh...did you read that correctly Josh? A movie DAY.
10.Get my 4 mile time down to 30 minutes, I'm at 32....I have a long way to go.
9.Begin working on some wicked cool brides maid's gifts.
8.Finish reading My Sister's Keeper, I haven't had much time to finish reading books this summer, my classes were really demanding.
7.Find J's wedding band because....I like it so I'm gonna put a ring on it.
6.See sweet Ms. Ava Grace.
5.See my sister.
4.Tan, I have heard all the research that has come out and I am going to be an idiot and continue to tan, I have to...first I have engagement pictures in two weeks, then in November I am going to have my Bridal pictures taken, I can not be white.
3.Figure out how I want to do my hair...I'm leading towards...a low, up do...
2.Keep up J and mine registry, we have realized that we have forgotten so much!
1.Visit MO!!!

Wish List:
12.I love this.
11.I really need a bike basket.
10.My dress, I'm so ready for it to get here, I really can't wait.
9.One of these.
8.Is and Ikea shopping spree to much to ask?
7.Banana pudding and dough nuts for breakfast.
6.This is a BIG wish, but I find it to be very pretty. I guess that's why it is a wish. Why is it so expensive you ask? Well, I have no idea, I just think it is really pretty.
5.My old Wellies have bit the dust, these seem to be a cool new addition...eventually.
4.Tickets to see these guys. Sorry for the video quality, I wanted a live video.
3.A hug from this guy. If this link doesn't work, it's J's facebook.
2.And ofcourse one of these...I 've been loving these for awhile.
1.To see my future partner soon...O wait I am!

My top 10:
10. 80's movie days on so far I have watched "St. Elmo's Fire" and "Mystic Pizza"
9. This song!
8. Coraline
7. Sam and good. If you do not have their CD, just download it on iTunes...just do it.
6. This verse: 1 Peter 2:9- But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you many proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
5. Wedding registries.
4. My new fish, Lilly Jane. I couldn't get a picture of her, so I'll explain her. She is the runt of her family...all 2,000 of them. She looks like a blow fish, but she is a gold fish. She has one gold eye and one white eye. She is a spaze.
3. 10 a.m. Gilmore Girls sessions
2. Making J and mine wedding and here are a couple of the songs. One's from one of my fav. movies!
1. This is amazing. Even if it is fake.
Well..there are my lists for this month, what's on your lists? What did you guys do this evening? I hope you had a good one!

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