
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Down By The Bay!

Good afternoon! I hope you have had a good morning! After the most depressing night lastnight, (Jon and Kate announcing their divorce) I was excited to begin a new day! I enjoyed a little bit of Anne and Matt before heading to the running trail. I had to get down their early because the heat was rising! Al was talking about the weather and he pulled up a shot of the US and a huge red blob of red coving the whole state of Arkansas. So welcome back summer, Holy Cow! It's hot!
Here are some pictures from my run and walk today, it was so nice to get to hang out and chill, well sweat, in the sun.

Just in case you didn't know, the name of the bridge/park where I run is called "Big Dam Bridge". I think it's funny.

This lady was pushing it! She had a new born in the stroller and she was trying to loose her baby weight. Good luck lady!

The River Trail of Pulaski County. Makes sense.

HOLY COW! Check out that water! While I was standing on the top of the dam I saw this group of kids standing just laughing to their hearts content. When I got closer, I could see what they were doing. They were throwing empty plastic water bottles into the water to see how fast the water could take them away. The youth of America ladies and gentlemen.

Look at this guy! All around the bridge are signs that say "Warning Dangerous Water, Caution" granted, once you're away from the dam the water is calm. But, this guy set up shop right on the dam! I couldn't believe it! My question is how the heck did he get out there? Surely he didn't swim, right?

These were the only flowers in bloom because the sun has scorched them all dead. Sad.

Is this as funny as I thought it was? I sure hope so.

It was such a fun day down by the river, if you have a chance to go, especially at night, you should.

Question, I have a Flickr account and I love uploading my pics, but I am really not sure how to use it. Does anyone have any advice? Let me know! I'd really appreciate it!

Well the rest of the afternoon looks like a home pedicure and class! To top of this post I think I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs, these guys could move and were super talented. Give it up for the Jackson 5! Have a great day!


  1. i love reading your blog kels! do you always take your camera running?

  2. It stays in my bag and sometimes I get it out after I am done and shoot a little bit. I like to think I am making progress :)
