
Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Surfing

Did you guys have a good weekend? I sure did. I ended Saturday with a movie and a phone date with J. It was great! Yesterday was lazy, movies and TV, followed by a run after worship. Sunday I found some really interesting things on the internet.

1. I finally saw the trailer for Away We looks so funny. For any of you Jim and Pam fans out there my favorite actor...yes, he has recently stolen the title, John Krasinski is the husband to Maya Rudolph, one of my fav. SNL stars, along with my favorite actress, Maggie Gyllenhaal make up part of this great cast! Check out the trailer here. So funny.

2. Isn't this such a cool ring? It is called a "Forget Me Knot" ring and can be found on I am the queen of forgetfulness and this is the perfect accessory for some one like me. Check it out here!

3. I also found these at, pretty cool huh? I feel like I could actually eat one of these! Just so you know they are erasers! Yea, erasers. Pretty cool huh? has alot of interesting cool things. It's a fun website too!

This weekend I also realized there is alot I don't know about blogging. For example, what the heck is google reader? I have no idea how to use it. Help? I have also been trying to figure out how to change my background. I found this one I really, really, like but I cannot seem to get it to change over. Help,again? I am such a rookie blogger and it shows.

Wedding planning is comming along nicely! I am so excited for the next big thing, which is getting my dress! Whoo Hoo! My mom, Josh's mom - Mrs. Kim, Leslie, and Brooke will be joining me to get my dress on July 18th. I am so pumped I can barely stand it. But, I am nervous to find exactly what I am looking for. Everyone keeps telling me that when you put it on you know, kind of like when you meet your hubby, you just know. I am hoping for the same expirience with my dress.

For the majority of my life I have been a petless person. Until recently when I became the owner of two fish, Bella and Sir Lanchester Beauregard, they are now deceased. But, my whole life my parents were anti-dog. I really don't know why, maybe because they just never like dogs. Who knows? But, there was a time in my life where we owned a poodle named PJ, he was awful, after that no more dogs. But, I have always loved dogs and I feel that I have found the perfect dog for J and I once we are able to afford one. Which will most likely be years and years from now. So here she is!

This is the hopeful future memeber of J and mine's family. It will probably still be just us two when we get a dog so we are excited to welcome her. I was nervous about telling Josh that I wanted a "her", but he wanted a "her" too so we are both in agreement! Hooray! Out of all the information I have read on Jack Russell Terriers there has been nothing negative about the breed. They are loyal, sweet, obeident dogs. The are kind and loving to their owners. And are clean as far as they do not shed and are quick learners. Which is good for outdoor potty training! So this is the possible, future, Olive Jane Blackman. J and I haven't talked names, but I liked that one so I thought I would give it a whirl. I already know that it is to girly for his tastes. So, what do you think? I just love her.
I hope everyone has a great day, even though it is scorching outside! Here is a Jason Mraz cover of an old Seals and Crofts song (my mom probably has their greatest hits) Summer Breeze. This song makes me want tall glass of half sweet tea and half lemonae. mmm. Have a nice evening!

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