
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Loose Strings

I am in search of a sewing machine! Help! I have come down to two choices so, all of you seamstress out there I need your help! Introducing the BROTHER ELECTRONIC SEWING MACHINE! (Imagine me saying it in an ESPN announcers voice) After all the machines I have researched this seems to be the best one in my price range. I only found one negative review, about the electronic threader. The woman was pretty upset considering that is why she purchased this specific machine. But, everyone else has raved over the machine. Plus, it has tons of different stitching patterns to choose from! Sadly, It is a little bit more pricey then I like, rounding out at $179.95.
The next machine is smaller and comes with tons of thread, but I am worried that I am only interested in it because of the price.This is the Singer Pixie Plus: The Craft Machine. First and foremost, this machine is in the running because of everything it offers. I am not an experienced sewer, so I want to use a machine that isn't to complicated for me in the beginning and maybe graduate to a more complex machine later. BUT, this machine's reviews are from medium to really bad, no one had given this machine even a descent approval, which makes me worry. One lady, for example, only said "JAM, JAM, JAM" The plus is that this machine with all it's little nicks and knacks rounds out to about 60 dollars and is a quite smaller which makes for easier storage. Plus, it was approved by Martha Stewart, how bad can it be if it gets the Martha Stamp of Approval?
So what's your opinion? What should I do? I am not the most experienced sewer...I cannot think of anything I have ever sewn other than a button. But, I am hoping to be able to pick it up and make some cool creations for Chateau De Blackman!

1 comment:

  1. Well think about it this way, either get a cheaper practice machine since you don't have alot of experience, or think about it as an investment on the more expensive one that it might last longer for when you are more experienced.
